SEO for Small Business

SEO is used by business owners to increase the visibility of their websites and increase the traffic and customers to their site. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and it is the techniques that are used to help websites appear at the top of the search results page when a customer looks for your products and services. It all starts with discovering the keywords that customers are using to search for your products. If you want to do SEO for small business then you need to learn the following techniques.

Types of SEO

SEO can be broken down into two different types, onpage optimization and off-page SEO. On page optimization are the technical aspects of your website including the content and how it is laid out. Google and other search engines use bots and crawlers to find out what your site is all about.  It looks for page titles, meta descriptions, image alt tags and headings. Make no mistake aside from the technical elements you still need really good content to rank. All  of this starts with extensive keyword research. If you are unsure how to do keyword research then here is some insight.

Optimizing for Keywords

Optimizing for keywords is all part of on-page optimization. Once you have chosen the keywords that will be profitable then you need to make sure your site shows up when a customer does a search. In the search results page the first thing that will show up are the ads. These are businesses like yours that have paid to be at the top of the page. Paid ads don’t convert as well as organic SEO most people bypass the paid listings and scroll down to the organic listings.

Unique Content

The content on your website needs to be compelling and unique, plagiarism is a big no-no. It is also content theft to take content from another website and try and pass it off as your own. You can not only lose your rankings but you can have your site completely de-indexed by Google.

Off-Page SEO

Off page SEO includes your social profiles and building backlinks to your site. Social profiles are things like your Google My Business page along with your social media accounts. Building backlinks to your site is an art, you want to avoid having backlinks on spammy disreputable sites. You want to find relevant authority sites that can send traffic to your site.

Small business SEO benefits go beyond this list. Doing your own SEO can cause more problems than it solves, instead you should work with an experienced SEO agency to help you rank your site.

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